Thursday, July 8, 2010

for frederico garcia lorca

This poem was in dedication to frederico garcia lorca. It seems he was a big influence due to a poem you had came across written by him. You were able to relate to him in relation to a passing away of a loved one, for you it was your father. The poem helped you overcome your fathers death that you are not alone through this tragedy. No matter how much you try to prepare for a loved ones death the feeling is unimaginable when it actually happens, the pain is unbearable knowing that no matter what, nothing will never be able to bring back that person. Within the poem I feel Frederico's is saying yes you have lost a loved one but it is something you must overcome.

"nature does not mourn & the fickleworld has already forgotten hisheroic death."

One thing we must do is mourn. It is never healthy to hold in feelings. To mourn is to let go of everything. To experience death of another is something we all must go through. A painful experience but it is those painful experiences that make us stronger. Makes you realize that you cannot take anyone for granted, you must appreciate your loved ones because it is not up to you but up to God as to when it is their time to go.

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